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St. Patrick's Primary School Mullanaskea, Garvary, Enniskillen, County Fermanagh

RDS Primary Science Fair 2017

13th Jun 2017

Pupils from P.6 and P.7 showcased their projects at the RDS Primary Science Fair, Belfast.

P.6 answered the question, ‘Why do we not see icebergs off the coast of Ireland?’ and P.7 investigated, ‘How does milk make a strong glue?’

The children enjoyed presenting their projects to the RDS Primary Science Fair judges as well as to pupils and staff form other participating schools.

Both classes were presented with a trophy and each pupil received certificates of participation to acknowledge the work that they put into their projects.

Students and staff from St. Michael’s Grammar school accompanied P.7 because they had worked together as part of the Key stage 2 and 3 transition project.