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March Newsletter
Lifting of Covid Restrictions
A letter has been sent home today about the changing and lifting of Covid-19 restrictions in the school. The letter is also available on the school website. These changes will not be implemented until Monday 14th March. We ask that you please read this letter carefully.
Spanish lessons will continue every Thursday throughout the month of March.
The Primary 6 and 7 children will continue their Swimming lessons every Tuesday throughout the month of March. The Primary 7 class will go to the Lakeland Forum in the morning while the Primary 6 children will go after lunch.
The PSNI were in school on Tuesday 2nd March to carry out their Internet Safety Workshops with the children in P5, P6 and P7.
Brass lessons will continue with Mr O’Hare every Tuesday throughout the month of March.
Good Relations Programme
The Primary 7 children have been participating in the Good Relations Programme run by Ballinamallard Football Club. The children have been invited to attend their Good Relations Celebration on Wednesday 9th March. Permission slips have already been sent home. Please ensure they are returned to the school by Monday 7th March. Children are asked to wear their PE gear, bring a warm coat and a change of clothes in case they get wet.
There will be a PTA meeting in the school on Monday 7th March at 7pm. All new members are welcome.
Fermanagh & Omagh District Council
An artist from Fermanagh and Omagh District Council will be in the school on Thursday 10th March to work with the Primary 7 children on an Arts & Storytelling Workshop based on Oscar Wilde’s Happy Prince.
Lisbellaw Hurling
Lisbellaw Hurling Club will continue their coaching of the Primary 5 children every Friday afternoon. The Primary 5 children can wear their PE gear to school.
CORE NI PE lessons will continue every Wednesday for the children in P1-P4. The afterschool programme will also continue with P1 staying over from 2-3pm and P6 staying from 3-4pm. If you have a child in P1 or P6 and are interested in them staying over, please contact the school and we will be happy to send you out the link for registration.
Science Week
To celebrate Science Week 2022, the Primary 5,6 and 7 children will participate in our School Science Fair. The Science Fair will take place in the school hall and the children will have the opportunity to present their experiments to members of staff and other classes in the school.
School Closures
The School will be closed on Thursday 17th March for St. Patrick’s Day. The school will also be closed to children on Friday 18th March as the staff have a Development Day. The school will reopen to everyone on Monday 21st March.
Afterschool Soccer
The Primary 7 children will continue to stay over every Monday throughout the month of March for Soccer Coaching from Ballinamallard Football Club.
Upcoming Dates:
Book Fair & Book Character Day
The school will have their annual Book Fair running from Monday 4th April to Thursday 7th April. Each class will be allocated a day and a time to visit the Book Fair. To celebrate the arrival of our Book Fair, we will have our own Book Character Day on Friday 1st April. This will give the children an opportunity to dress up as their favourite book characters.
First Holy Communion
First Holy Communion will take place on Saturday 7th May in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Tempo at 11am.
Confirmation will take place on Sunday 15th May at 3pm in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Tempo along with the Primary 7 children of St. Mary’s Tempo.
St. Patrick's Primary School Mullanaskea,
Garvary, Enniskillen,
County Fermanagh, BT94 3AD
028 6632 6539