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St. Patrick's Primary School Mullanaskea, Garvary, Enniskillen, County Fermanagh

A Message From Dr O Neill

7th May 2020

Dear Boys & Girls,

It is always lovely to talk to you.  I hope you are all ok.  I know that life continues to be very different for us all and for many of us it is difficult.  It is difficult being in a different routine and it is hard to be away from our friends.  

I just want to let you all know that I am missing you and I am thinking about you. I hope that home schooling and online learning are working out.  I am sure that some days are better than others.  It might be a good idea to have a set routine. Remember to build in breaks and have wee rewards!

I hope you are all being good for mummy and daddy. I know that many of you will also be isolated from family and grandparents. Remember we are protecting them so that we can all enjoy each other's company soon.

Try to stay in routine and if there are days when you feel sad,try to think of nice things and better days ahead: when we will have shows, sports days, school trips, science projects, spring clean evenings, Holy Communion parties, art activities, Tip the Can games, playing with the equipment, football, hurling,Book Character Day, dress up days, Dahl Club, Spanish, Mandarin, School Masses, Shared Education with our friends at the Model, Roots of Empathy with the baby, assemblies, Pupil of the Week, Happy Birthday singing, trips to Magilligan and much much more.


Keep your little hearts up, so, until I talk to you again, lookafter yourselves and be kind to yourselves.


My love to you all,


Ms. O’Neill.